
Diploma in Elementary Education is highly coveted education course pursed by candidates aspiring to become teacher in elementary school.

To enhance to one chance of becoming a teacher, it is recommended to clear the CTET / State Level TET Exam, which provide eligibility to teach in both government and private school.

Benefits of D.El.Ed.

The candidate who selects D.El.Ed. course enjoys the following benefits:

Job security :

There are enormous opportunities to start a career as a teacher in government as well as private schools after D.El.Ed.

Financial security :

Inflations hardly affect the career of a teacher and hence, while around the globe, people are apprehensive about their financial security during inflation, teachers can remain relaxed and feel financially secured.

Follow your passion :

Unlike any other career, teaching profession allows you to teach what you love.

Liveliness in work :

Working with children is enjoyable in itself as they are full of energy, spontaneity and fun. Such an atmosphere releases stress and makes one feel fresh.

You are the boss :

The teacher dictates the class-room activities, student activities and learning experiences. So the class-room is the teacher’s canvass where he can freely show his creativity

Challenging profession :

Teaching field is full of challenges. The challenge to meet individual learning needs, changing technologies, increasing knowledge, increased requirement of skills await teachers to meet them.

Career opportunities :

After completing the D.El.Ed, candidates can apply for the job at-